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Science Fair

sci night

Welcome to Somers Intermediate School's
Hands-On Science Night!

March 20, 2024
Fifth Grade Hands On Science Night!

5th grade students will present science experiments using the Scientific Method. All students and parents are invited to view and try out the experiments presented by the participating 5th grade students.

The event is a blast for students and parents alike!

What exactly is "Hands on Science Night"?

Science Experiment Idea Websites

Education.Com has assembled a vast collection of science fair project ideas written by science teachers, professional scientists, and educational consultants on popular science fair topics ranging from physics and chemistry to biology and even sociology.

Steve Spangler Science
Steve Spangler is well-known for his work as a funny and engaging science guy on stage, television and as a YouTube celebrity. He’s a leading science engagement influencer for top brands and organizations who want have impact and influence in today’s marketplace.

Science Bob
Science Bob encourages parents and teachers to practice Random Acts of Science by providing instructions and videos for interactive science experiments on his website.

Science Buddies
Looking for inspiration for a science fair project? Science Buddies has over 1,150 Project Ideas in all areas of science. The Topic Selection Wizard tool can help you find a project you will enjoy!

Cardboard showing different documents
Cardboard showing different documents
Cardboard showing different documents
Cardboard showing different documents
Image showing manual projects