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Parent/Student Handbook

Download a PDF of the Parent/Student Handbook here.

What does a Somers Intermediate School student look and sound like?

An SIS student has respect for themselves and each other by:

  • Coming to school every day prepared to do your best and leave at home anything that might distract you from learning.
  • Treating all students with respect and acceptance
  • Showing a positive attitude
  • Allowing others to speak without interruption or comment
  • Listening carefully to others
  • Treating personal property, school property, and the property of others with respect
  • Using appropriate language with peers and adults

An SIS student shows good school citizenship by:

  • Being polite, respectful, and supportive of each member of our school community
  • Following established school and classroom rules
  • Understanding and accepting the consequences for not following school rule

An SIS student shows academic achievement by:

  • Listening attentively during instruction
  • Understanding all directions and expectations
  • Completing home and class assignments to the best of their ability and on time
  • Seeking help and asking appropriate questions when they don’t understand
  • Handing in work that they are proud of and reflects their best work

In the Lunch Room an SIS student:

  1. Cleans up after self
  2. Eats using good manners
  3. Listens when it is time to line up
  4. Waits quietly to buy lunch

On the Playground an SIS student:

  1. Uses words to solve problems
  2. Walks, plays and runs safely
  3. Listens when it is time to line up
  4. Follows directions

During Assemblies and Performances an SIS Student:

  1. Applauds respectfully
  2. Sits quietly and is a respectful listener
  3. Walks quietly in and out of assembly

In the Bathroom an SIS Student:

  1. Respects privacy
  2. Washes hands
  3. Puts trash into the garbage can
  4. Is very quiet

In the Hallways a SIS student:

  1. Gives a quiet wave to a friend or a respectful greeting to an adult
  2. Keeps hands to self and is mindful of the hard work that is on display!
  3. Is very quiet when walking in the hall
  4. When working in the hallway, uses responsible actions and quiet voices.