Parent/Student Handbook
Download a PDF of the Parent/Student Handbook here.
What does a Somers Intermediate School student look and sound like?
An SIS student has respect for themselves and each other by:
- Coming to school every day prepared to do your best and leave at home anything that might distract you from learning.
- Treating all students with respect and acceptance
- Showing a positive attitude
- Allowing others to speak without interruption or comment
- Listening carefully to others
- Treating personal property, school property, and the property of others with respect
- Using appropriate language with peers and adults
An SIS student shows good school citizenship by:
- Being polite, respectful, and supportive of each member of our school community
- Following established school and classroom rules
- Understanding and accepting the consequences for not following school rule
An SIS student shows academic achievement by:
- Listening attentively during instruction
- Understanding all directions and expectations
- Completing home and class assignments to the best of their ability and on time
- Seeking help and asking appropriate questions when they don’t understand
- Handing in work that they are proud of and reflects their best work
In the Lunch Room an SIS student:
- Cleans up after self
- Eats using good manners
- Listens when it is time to line up
- Waits quietly to buy lunch
On the Playground an SIS student:
- Uses words to solve problems
- Walks, plays and runs safely
- Listens when it is time to line up
- Follows directions
During Assemblies and Performances an SIS Student:
- Applauds respectfully
- Sits quietly and is a respectful listener
- Walks quietly in and out of assembly
In the Bathroom an SIS Student:
- Respects privacy
- Washes hands
- Puts trash into the garbage can
- Is very quiet
In the Hallways a SIS student:
- Gives a quiet wave to a friend or a respectful greeting to an adult
- Keeps hands to self and is mindful of the hard work that is on display!
- Is very quiet when walking in the hall
- When working in the hallway, uses responsible actions and quiet voices.