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Parent Teacher Association

Welcome to the SIS PTA!

every child. one voice

We are a powerful voice for our children, a resource for our families and community, and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child at SIS.  

Welcome new SIS families!

Please take a minute to read our welcome letter.

Looking for info?

Check out the Useful Tools and Town links page for district and town contact info - everything from school attendance to the Transportation Department.

More information and updates on upcoming SIS PTA events coming soon. Check back regularly! 

Questions? EMAIL US

Join Today!

Without you, we are one member short! 

3 easy ways to join! 

  1. Visit Member Hub to join directly through the NYS PTA Membership Portal (preferred)
  2. Visit My School Bucks  where you can pay for multiple school PTA memberships at once 
  3. Print and fill out our Membership Form and send in to school in an envelope marked "PTA Membership" with your child. Please enclose cash or a check made out to "The SIS PTA".

The membership dues that we collect help pay for the programs and activities that we bring to our school.




DeCicco's Rebate Program - DeCicco's will donate a percentage of groceries purchased through this program back to the Somers PTA.  Takes just minutes to sign up!

box tops

Box Tops are still out there! But instead of clipping, simply download the app to earn money for our school!

Shop Rite

Shop Rite - Earn cash for our school by getting extra Bonus Box Tops on participating brands like General Mills. 

Visit Somers PTA Council

pta council logo

Visit Somers SEPTA

somers csd pta septa logo

Donate to SIS PTA

my school bucks logo

Donate Directly
to your PTA Online

Thank you
for your support!